

Ordering signless Laplacian spectral radii of graphs with given size and girth

主 讲 人 :黄琼湘    教授


地      点 :理科群1号楼D203室,腾讯会议号:460 332 599


In 1981, Cvetkovic pointed out 12 directions in further investigations of graph spectra, one of which is ''classifying and ordering graphs''. Along this classic direction, we pay our attention to the order of the largest eigenvalue of the signless Laplacian matrix of a graph, which is usually called the signless Laplacian spectral radius or Q-index of a graph. Let G(m, g) (resp. G(m, > g)) be the family of connected graphs on m edges with girth g (resp. no less than g), where g>3. In this paper, we firstly order the first ([g/2]+2) largest Q-indices of graphs in G(m, g), where m> 3g> 12. Secondly, we order the first ([g/2]+3) largest Q-indices of graphs in G(m, >g), where m> 3g>12. As a complement, we give the first five largest Q-indices of graphs in G(m, 3) with m> 9. Finally, we give the order of the first eleven largest Q-indices of all connected graphs with size m.


黄琼湘,新疆大学教授,博士生导师。主要研究领域代数图论,图谱理论。在J. Combin. Theory Ser B.,  European J. Combin., J. Algebraic Combin., Electranic J. Combin., Discrete Math., 等期刊上发表论文150余篇。主持完成国家自然科学基金3项。作为子课题负责人承担国家自然科学基金重点项目一项。2017年获新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步奖二等奖一项。