

120周年校庆系列学术活动:Quantifying Asymmetry

主 讲 人 :骆顺龙    研究员


地      点 :腾讯会议 会议号:573-149-703


By exploiting the algebraicand geometric structure of operation-state coupling, we show that aninformation-theoretic measure of asymmetry emerges naturally from the formalismof quantum mechanics. This is achieved by decomposing the operation-state couplinginto a symmetric part and an asymmetric part, which satisfy a conservationrelation. The symmetric part is represented by the symmetric Jordan product,and the asymmetric part is synthesized by the skew-symmetric Lie product. Thelatter leads to a significant extension of the celebrated Wigner-Yanase skewinformation, and has an operational interpretation as quantum coherence of astate with respect to an operation. This presents a basic framework for quantitativelystudying asymmetry.


骆顺龙,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院应用数学研究所所长,研究员,量子计算与量子信息处理研究中心主任。2013年任华罗庚应用数学首席研究员。曾应邀在第八届国际工业与应用数学大会作一小时报告(2015)。 主要从事概率统计﹑量子论和信息论研究, 相关工作被引用7300余次(Google Scholar)。